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Why the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair makes the perfect gift


After a long and stressful year, it is important to take a step back and look for various ways to enhance your wellbeing. The same is true for our loved ones, especially our elders and spouse.

A parent’s love knows no bounds, and the years of hard work and sacrifice that they go through to ensure the success of their children – even after they have grown up and had children of their own – can never truly be repaid. Nevertheless, there’s a special way to honour their collective labour of love and make their retirement age much more comforting.

This festive season, give the gift of wellness with the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair! Featuring the latest massage chair technology along with voice control and a host of other highlights, it offers arguably the best massage experience one can get without a trip to the spa or massage parlour.


Lean on me and massage away all stress

After years of hard labour and thankless hours of work, your parents’ and spouse’s muscles will undoubtedly feel tense as stress builds up. While it is great to personally give them a good massage once in a while as you ask about their day, the daily demands of your own life may leave you without the time or energy to do so.


Thankfully, this is one of the key areas where the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair shines the brightest. With Vi-TEC Massage Hand technology that simulates precise, intensive and humanised hand movements, it provides up to 8 humanised massage motions and 12 healthcare programs designed to relieve pain points throughout the body.


So while you’re busy hustling away, your parents or spouse can simply close their eyes and visualise your hands kneading and rolling their stress and tension away. Just relax and let the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair do all the hard work.


If the abundance of options sounds too stressful for those who are less technologically savvy, fear not, as the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair also comes equipped with AI-ViTec voice control technology. With just the simple phrase “Hi Hi Gintell”, your parents or spouse can direct it to provide their favourite massage experience without even touching a button.

As your parents or spouse grow older, it is inevitable that their spinal discs will start to dry out and shrink, leading to back pain and stiffness. To help alleviate this problem, the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair comes with a special 230° Chiro Stretch feature.

As the name suggests, the massage chair can tilt backward to provide a 230° stretch that goes a long way in preventing back problems, improving muscle pain, as well as correcting the body’s alignment. After a good massage and stretch, your parents or spouse will start to feel more flexible again.

More than just a massage, it’s a full-on sensorial experience

These are just the areas that cover the back and spine, and the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair goes so much further. It also features X-Flexology, which provides 100% massage coverage for your soles and feet to help enhance your immune system and detoxify your body. Then there’s the Palm Acupuncture Massage, which combines real touch with 3D elevated dots to provide a comprehensive and revitalising acupuncture experience on your tired palms.

In addition, it comes with Bluetooth speakers and 3D surround sound, allowing your parents or spouse to relax to their favourite tracks. You’ll also love the airbag massage technology, 3D roller ball with enhanced protrusion, USB phone charger and holder along with other thoughtful touches.

The perfect gift for years of comforting massages ahead

As you cherish the boundless love and sacrifices of your parents and spouse, you’re reminded that some things can’t be repaid. Express your deep appreciation with a gift beyond words.

The Gintell StarWay Massage Chair offers a level of care that mirrors your parents’ and spouse’s affection. With the festive season approaching, it’s the perfect time to show your appreciation with a gift that envelops them in comfort as a gesture of lifelong love.

Treat your loved ones to the Gintell StarWay Massage Chair this festive season!